Security Center
With Verivend, it's never been easier to move capital and your security is our top priority. Our platform utilizes a variety of security features to keep you and your capital protected at all times.

How We Protect You
Email Confirmation
How Verivend communicates with you
Verivend will ever contact you to request a password or verification code to your account. If you have any concerns about your security or suspicious activity, you can contact Verivend directly at Any requests from Verivend will always come from a email address.
Data Encryption
How your data is stored and secured
We use the latest standards to store and encrypt your data both in transit and at rest, which means your sensitive information is always safe in secured locations. When accessing Verivend the "https:" and lock next to our web address lets you know you're operating on our secured platform.
TLS Connection
How Verivend protects your information
We utilize Transport Layer Security (TLS), secure HTTPS-only connections (HSTS), and encryption to protect your information and monitor your activity to identify unauthorized transactions. If you suspect that your account shows unauthorized activity, contact us immediately at
Payment Protection
How your payment information is protected
Your sensitive payment information is always protected and never visible or exchanged with other parties on the platform. Protecting everyone's payment information avoids the risk of financial scams, wire fraud, and ensures the payments you send and receive are always going to the correct place. You will never receive payment instructions outside of Verivend's secured platform. If you do, please report fraudulent activity to us immediately at
How You Protect Yourself
Password Strength
Use strong passwords
Use a unique password for every account and the longer your password is, the more difficult it is to hack. Verivend enforces minimum requirements to ensure all accounts utilize strong passwords and make sure to never include personal information or common words in your passwords. Also include numbers, symbols, and both lowercase and UPPERCASE letters in your passwords.
Transaction Auditing
Review your transactions regularly
Verivend sends you email notifications for all transaction activity for your account. If you receive an email notification for a transaction you don't recognize, contact us immediately at so we can investigate and stop any unauthorized use of your account. You can always review all transactions for your account by logging in and selecting View All Transactions from your Verivend dashboard.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Enable multi-factor authentication
Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Verivend account. To enable multi-factor authentication, log into your Verivend account and click the settings icon and then select Account Security. Follow the instructions to set up multi-factor authentication for your account. MFA is available to everyone on the platform - both fully-registered accounts and guest accounts, so that everyone can secure their sensitive information while using Verivend.
Review Communications
Be watchful with emails and texts
Requests for immediate or urgent action, especially from unknown or suspicious senders, should be avoided and deleted right away. Never open attachments or click links from senders you don't recognize and if you're not 100% certain who is contacting you, don't reply or take any action with the message. Remember that any requests from Verivend will always come from a email address.